We’re actively improving the gender equity gap.

We are a team focused on nurturing a healthy, growing network of talent – for their sake and for yours. A positive employee experience deeply impacts the experience that our team members are equipped to give their customers in working with them. So we focus on people – which benefits absolutely everyone.

Empowering Women

We are dedicated to inclusivity and empowering women to reach their career goals and fulfill their ambitions.

Women in Leadership

According to the latest ‘Women in the Workplace’ report in 2023 McKinsey, “Women are more ambitious than ever, and workplace flexibility is fueling them. Yet despite some hard-fought gains, women’s representation is not keeping pace.

As a minority, woman-owned company, we make it our personal mission to support and lift up other ambitious women along their career paths. We do this as we seek corporate team members, and as we hire staff for our clients’ mission needs.

Workforce Re-entry

We empower women to re-enter the workforce with confidence and purpose. Our commitment to this reflects our belief in creating opportunities and a supportive environment for women seeking to resume their professional journeys, after taking a pause for any reason.

We understand the unique challenges that women may face when returning to work after a hiatus. PI is committed to providing a pathway for professional rejuvenation, offering tailored support, resources, and opportunities to help women rebuild and advance their careers.

How we do this

Tailored Returnship Programs
Structured onboarding, mentorship, and upskilling for a smooth re-entry
Flexible Work Arrangements
Offering part-time roles, remote work, and flexible scheduling. 
Mentorship & Professional Development
Tailored mentorship and ongoing development initiatives.
Career Counseling & Skill Enhancement
Guiding women in defining goals and enhancing skills for market demands.
Networking & Community Building
Facilitating internal and external networking for mutual support.

“A well-defined vision will help you stay focused on your goals and makes sure that your actions match up with your values, so you can progress and grow.”


Are you at a crossroads on your career journey?
We can run the race better, together.

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